Mark R Graham Explains the Importance of Employee Recognition in A Business

When was the last time that you really put your entire head and soul into some presentation or project? Something that you were bent on making sure that it was perfect in every possible way and something that you were proud of.


When that presentation or project pans out beautifully, you may feel accomplished in every sense. However, this sense of accomplishment may be elevated if others are there to appreciate your hard work. This appreciation would go a long way to make you work harder for your next plans too.


According to Mark R Graham, there are a lot of advantages of workplace recognition. Some of them are mentioned below.

It Leads To Happier Employees, As Per Mark R Graham

When you show that the efforts of the employees matter to you, it may lead to them being happier. After all the dedication and passion that they put into a project or presentation, your recognition can help them understand the impact that they have on your business. This allows them to feel better about themselves.

It Allows The Employees To Appreciate You Back As Per Mark R Graham

If your employees are appreciated, cared for, and recognized, it will help them develop a fondness for your business too. Instead of getting up for work in a nasty mood, they would actually be looking forward to it.


You can put yourself on a limb, and trust the employees to see if it is rewarded. With a solid foundation of recognition, you may be helping out your business to thrive.


According to Mark R Graham, if the employees know that they are appreciated, they would learn to give back to you and your company. They would appreciate all that the business does for them and strive for betterment at all stages.

It Allows You To Retain Employees As Per Mark R Graham

According to Mark R Graham, when an employee gets a place where they can work peacefully and confidently, they might just want to stick there for a longer period of time. Employee recognition is a big part of it and can help you build a work culture that is radiant and happier.


Losing employees because they do not feel valued is quite common. When the employee is not happy, they are bound to quit in search of a better option. If you provide them with changes to build and thrive in your business, it can help in retaining them for the longer term.

Final Thoughts

According to Mark R Graham, you should commit to fostering employee recognition throughout the year. Even in the modern era, employee recognition has not taken a prominent place as it should have. In many companies, it is not made a priority - this may be because they feel like they are too busy to think about that or because they do not understand the importance of it.


For the employees to truly excel in their jobs, you need to boost them up with a nudge of recognition - understanding this can really benefit your business.



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